I remember the kitchen, take out menus, playlists on repeat
his hand that slid into my back pocket. Playful, fun,
never knowing what would happen next.
Now dust, dancing around rolled up nappies that sit next to pots and pans, unfamiliar acquaintances
My belly, still wild and willful now echoes primal groans
My mind, as full as my bedside table
on it, titles of textbooks with spines much thinner than mine
The nights of wine and laughter
now a pink sunrise of milk and tears
My eyes, a river that welcome the shower
My fingertips, now someones world, in them, so many memories.
My heart the beating drum, twisting to the melody of cries
bursting with love.
My lips holding in the secrets of the courage I will find
My hips swaying to the rhythm of all the lost slumbers
My hands, fearful of not holding it all together
My heart, a vehicle always travelling north
My body, a jungle gym, full of old stories
with promise of new endings
And the kitchen, now full of noise, leg tugging and grumbling tummies
Tasting from spoons before dinner is ready.
His hand welcome in my back pocket again
It’s not easy falling in love.
Again and again
and again.